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Peter Noneley Excel Function Dictionary

Anda ingin belajar fungsi dan formula dalam excel, disertai contoh-contoh penggunaanya yang semauanya diterangkan secara lengkap mengenai :

Help on the following functions.
Age CalculationUsing DATEDIF()
AutoSum shortcut keyUsing Alt and =
Brackets in formulaSample
FileName formulaUsing MID() CELL() and FIND()
Instant ChartsUsing F11
Ordering StockStock Ordering
PercentagesHow to calculate various percentages
Project DatesExample using date calculation.
Show all formulaUsing Ctrl and `
Split ForenameSurnameUsing LEFT() RIGHT() FIND() SUBSTITUTE()
Time CalculationHow to calculate time.
TimeSheet For FlexiExample flexi time sheet.
ABSReturns the absolute value of a number
ANDReturns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE
AVERAGEReturns the average of its arguments
BIN2DECConverts a binary number to decimal
CEILINGRounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
CELLReturns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell
CHARReturns the character specified by the code number
CHOOSEChooses a value from a list of values
CLEANRemoves all nonprintable characters from text
CODEReturns a numeric code for the first character in a text string
COMBINReturns the number of combinations for a given number of objects
CONCATENATEJoins several text items into one text item
CONVERTConverts a number from one measurement system to another
CORRELReturns the correlation coefficient between two data sets
COUNTCounts how many numbers are in the list of arguments
COUNTACounts how many values are in the list of arguments
COUNTBLANKCounts the number of blank cells within a range
COUNTIFCounts the number of nonblank cells within a range that meet the given criteria
DATEReturns the serial number of a particular date
DATEDIFCalculates the difference between two dates. Undocumented in v5/7/97
DATEVALUEConverts a date in the form of text to a serial number
DAVERAGEReturns the average of selected database entries
DAYConverts a serial number to a day of the month
DAYS360Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year
DBReturns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method
DCOUNTCounts the cells that contain numbers in a database
DCOUNTACounts nonblank cells in a database
DEC2BINConverts a decimal number to binary
DEC2HEXConverts a decimal number to hexadecimal
DELTATests whether two values are equal
DGETExtracts from a database a single record that matches the specified criteria
DMAXReturns the maximum value from selected database entries
DMINReturns the minimum value from selected database entries
DOLLARConverts a number to text, using currency format
DSUMAdds the numbers in the field column of records in the database that match the criteria
EDATEReturns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date
EOMONTHReturns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months
ERROR.TYPEReturns a number corresponding to an error type
EVENRounds a number up to the nearest even integer
EXACTChecks to see if two text values are identical
FACTReturns the factorial of a number
FINDFinds one text value within another (case-sensitive)
FIXEDFormats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals
FLOORRounds a number down, toward zero
FORECASTReturns a value along a linear trend
FREQUENCYReturns a frequency distribution as a vertical array
GCDReturns the greatest common divisor
GESTEPTests whether a number is greater than a threshold value
GROWTHReturns values along an exponential trend
HEX2DECConverts a hexadecimal number to decimal
HLOOKUPLooks in the top row of an array and returns the value of the indicated cell
HOURConverts a serial number to an hour
IFSpecifies a logical test to perform
INDEXUses an index to choose a value from a reference or array
INDIRECTReturns a reference indicated by a text value
INFOReturns information about the current operating environment
INTRounds a number down to the nearest integer
ISBLANKReturns TRUE if the value is blank
ISERRReturns TRUE if the value is any error value except #N/A
ISERRORReturns TRUE if the value is any error value
ISEVENReturns TRUE if the number is even
ISLOGICALReturns TRUE if the value is a logical value
ISNAReturns TRUE if the value is the #N/A error value
ISNONTEXTReturns TRUE if the value is not text
ISNUMBERReturns TRUE if the value is a number
ISODDReturns TRUE if the number is odd
ISREFReturns TRUE if the value is a reference
ISTEXTReturns TRUE if the value is text
LARGEReturns the k-th largest value in a data set
LCMReturns the least common multiple
LEFTReturns the leftmost characters from a text value
LENReturns the number of characters in a text string
LOOKUP (vector)Looks up values in a vector or array
LOWERConverts text to lowercase
MATCHLooks up values in a reference or array
MAXReturns the maximum value in a list of arguments
MEDIANReturns the median of the given numbers
MIDReturns a specific number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify
MINReturns the minimum value in a list of arguments
MINUTEConverts a serial number to a minute
MINVERSEReturns the matrix inverse of an array
MMULTReturns the matrix product of two arrays
MODReturns the remainder from division
MODEReturns the most common value in a data set
MONTHConverts a serial number to a month
MROUNDReturns a number rounded to the desired multiple
NReturns a value converted to a number
NAReturns the error value #N/A
NETWORKDAYSReturns the number of whole workdays between two dates
NOTReverses the logic of its argument
NOWReturns the serial number of the current date and time
ODDRounds a number up to the nearest odd integer
ORReturns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
PERMUTReturns the number of permutations for a given number of objects
PIReturns the value of Pi
POWERReturns the result of a number raised to a power
PRODUCTMultiplies its arguments
PROPERCapitalises the first letter in each word of a text value
QUARTILEReturns the quartile of a data set
QUOTIENTReturns the integer portion of a division
RANDReturns a random number between 0 and 1
RANDBETWEENReturns a random number between the numbers you specify
RANKReturns the rank of a number in a list of numbers
REPLACEReplaces characters within text
REPTRepeats text a given number of times
RIGHTReturns the rightmost characters from a text value
ROMANConverts an arabic numeral to roman, as text
ROUNDRounds a number to a specified number of digits
ROUNDDOWNRounds a number down, toward zero
ROUNDUPRounds a number up, away from zero
SECONDConverts a serial number to a second
SIGNReturns the sign of a number
SLNReturns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period
SMALLReturns the k-th smallest value in a data set
STDEVEstimates standard deviation based on a sample
STDEVPCalculates standard deviation based on the entire population
SUBSTITUTESubstitutes new text for old text in a text string
SUBTOTALReturns a subtotal in a list or database
SUMAdds its arguments
SUM_using_namesUsing SUM(jan)
SUMIFAdds the cells specified by a given criteria
SUMPRODUCTReturns the sum of the products of corresponding array components
SYDReturns the sum-of-years’ digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period
TConverts its arguments to text
TEXTFormats a number and converts it to text
TIMEReturns the serial number of a particular time
TIMEVALUEConverts a time in the form of text to a serial number
TODAYReturns the serial number of today’s date
TRANSPOSEReturns the transpose of an array
TRENDReturns values along a linear trend
TRIMRemoves spaces from text
TRUNCTruncates a number to an integer
TYPEReturns a number indicating the data type of a value
UPPERConverts text to uppercase
VALUEConverts a text argument to a number
VAREstimates variance based on a sample
VARPCalculates variance based on the entire population
VLOOKUPLooks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell
WEEKDAYConverts a serial number to a day of the week
WORKDAYReturns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays
YEARConverts a serial number to a year
YEARFRACReturns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date

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